A sustainable world is one in which human needs are met equitably without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their needs and without harm to the environment and ecosystem function and service. Meeting this formidable challenge requires a substantial effort under climate change impact, economic development and population growth. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change (ISSN: 2581-8627) aims to publish original research articles, review articles and short communications. By not excluding papers based on novelty, this journal facilitates the research and wishes to publish papers as long as they are technically correct and scientifically motivated. The journal also encourages the submission of useful reports of negative results. This is a quality controlled, OPEN peer-reviewed, open-access INTERNATIONAL journal. It has long been recognized that the long-term viability of natural capital is critical for many areas of human endeavour under climate change impact. The aims are to support engineering science research with the goal of promoting sustainable development with environmentally benign engineered systems that support human well-being and that are also compatible with sustaining natural (environmental) systems.

NAAS Score: 5.16 (2025)

Current Issue

2025 - Volume 15 [Issue 1]

Original Research Article

Optimizing Flue-cured Virginia (FCV) Tobacco Productivity Through Soil Inversion and Innovative Potassium Management Strategies

K. Meghana, J. Poorna Bindu, D. Damodar Reddy, M. Sheshu Madhav, I. Usha Rani, K. N. Sreenivasulu

Synergistic Impact of Biochar and Organic Amendments on Field Bean (Vicia faba) Growth and Soil Characteristics

Anusha B.S, Rinku Verma, Kiran S.C, Haseena K, Gangadhar Eswar Rao G, Madappa Savitha

Enhancing Jamun cv. Goma Priyanka Growth and Stress Resilience through Foliar Humic Acid and Potassium Silicate Application

Monika Kumari Meena, Prerak Bhatnagar, Jitendra Singh, C.K Arya, S.B.S Pandey, I.B. Maurya, A. Mishra

Effect of Climate on Physiological and Quality Parameters of Kinnow Mandarin under North Western Himalayan Region

Disket Dolkar, Parshant Bakshi, Veena Sharma, Punchok Tundup, Anwar Hussain, Sonam Spaldon, Kunzes Angmo

Biomedical Waste Management at Sokponta Healthcare Facility in Benin

Soussia Théodore, Moudila-Mankassa Lisia, Bokossa Hervé, Kpamegan Boniface Bonaventure, Sossa Jérôme Charles, Vigan Jacques, Odoulami Lisette, Baba-Moussa Lamine Saïd