Response of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) to Seed Polymerization with Micronutrients and Foliar Spray at Different Growth Stages

Mallikarjun G. Handiganoor *

Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur – 584 104, Karnataka, India.

S. B. Patil

Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Vijayapur, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad– 580 005, Karnataka, India.

S. N. Vasudevan

Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur – 584 104, Karnataka, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aim: To study the response of Pigeonpea to seed polymerization with micronutrients and foliar spray at different growth stages.

Place of Study: Field experiment was conducted during kharif 2014 at Main Agricultural Research Station, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur.

Methodology: The present study consisted of 16 different treatments wherein fresh seeds of pigeonpea were treated with different micronutrients viz., Potassium molybdate (2 or 4 ml per kg of seed), ZnSO4 (2 or 4 ml per kg of seed) and boron (2 or 4 ml per kg of seed) either individually or in combinations by using polymer at the rate of 6 ml per kg of seed which was standardized in the laboratory experiment. In addition, two foliar sprays as per the treatments either individually or in combination at an interval of 10 days during flowering stage (75 and 85 DAS) were given [Potassium molybdate (0.1%), (Zinc sulphate (0.5%) in EDTA form, Borax (0.2%)]. Various observations on growth parameter such as plant height, leaf area index and finally seed yield were recorded, analysed statistically to study the respose of Pigeonpea to seed polymerization with micronutrients and foliar spray at different growth stages.

Results: Among the different treatments imposed, seed polymer coating (@ 6 ml/kg) of pigeonpea seeds with the combination of potassium molybdate + ZnSO4 + boron (each @ 2 g / kg) of seed along with two foliar sprays of potassium molybdate (0.1%) + zinc sulphate (0.5%) in EDTA form + borax (0.2%) at an interval of 10 days during flowering stage (75 and 85 DAS) recorded significantly maximum plant height (69.2 cm, 146.7 cm and 184.7 cm), higher leaf area index (2.48, 3.08 and 2.91) at 45, 90 and 120 DAS respectively, Number of branches per plant (58.20) and highest seed yield (16.30 q) per hectare as compared to control.

Conclusion: Seed polymerization (6 ml per kg of seed) of pigeonpea seeds with the combination of micronutrients namely, potassium molybdate + ZnSO4 + boron each at 2g per kg of seed with two foliar sprays (0.1% + 0.5% + 0.2% respectively, potassium molybdate and ZnSO4 in EDTA form) at an interval of 10 days during flowering stage (75 and 85 DAS) resulted in better establishment of seedlings and produced higher growth response at all stages of growth under study thus, increasing the growth and seed yield. Seed polymer coating also acts as economical tool to enhance the efficient utilization of nutrients to mitigate the adverse climatic conditions especially in rain-fed condition.

Keywords: Growth, leaf area index, micronutrients, Pigeonpea, plant height and seed polymerization.

How to Cite

Handiganoor, Mallikarjun G., S. B. Patil, and S. N. Vasudevan. 2017. “Response of Pigeonpea (Cajanus Cajan L.) to Seed Polymerization With Micronutrients and Foliar Spray at Different Growth Stages”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 7 (4):205-13.