Heat is a Cause of the Global Climate Warming
Vitaly A. Prisyazhniuk *
Research and Design Institute for Basic Chemistry NIOCHIM, Mironositskaya Street 25, 61046 Kharkiv, Ukraine and Institute of Problems in Mechanical Engineering at the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Dmitry Pozharsky S, 2/10, 61046 Kharkiv, Ukraine.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Experimental-statistical equations are proposed for calculating the results of fossil fuel combustion. The calculation is illustrated by the example of fuel combustion by engines of a Boeing series aircraft. The main supplier of energy to the ecological system of Planet Earth is the Sun. The atmosphere of Planet Earth retains about 50% of the thermal (infrared) radiation of the Sun. This casts doubt on the role of CO2, whose concentration in the Earth's atmosphere is about 0.05%, in Global Climate Warming. Knowing how much fuel humanity produces per year, it is possible to calculate the amount of thermal energy produced per year. If in 2000 humanity produced 412*106 TJ of thermal energy, then the Sun supplied 38286*106 TJ of thermal energy to the Earth in 365 hours a year. It is expedient to reduce Global Warming by 1.5 - 2.0 degrees by installing a "Solar Umbrella" in the stratosphere - a filter for infrared (thermal) radiation from the Sun.
Keywords: Global warming, thermodynamics, heat, thermal energy production, “Sun Umbrella”