Performance Evaluation of Drip Irrigation System in Grapes Field

A. Valliammai *

Water Technology Center, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India.

Martha Sravani

Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India.

N. Satheeshkumar

Maize Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Vagarai, India.

S. Pazhanivelan

Water Technology Center, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A commercial drip irrigation system was evaluated at farmer’s field under grapes to study the various parameters viz emission uniformity, emitter flow variations and statistical uniformity during the year 2019. The soil characteristics of the experiment field at different profile depths was analyzed and sandy loam soil is available at 0 to 15 cm depth and sandy clay loam is available from 15 cm to 60 cm depths,  Irrigation was given daily  based on potential evaporation. The soil moisture status during the crop growth period at various depths under the emitter was studied. The soil moisture in the field was maintained in a range of 21 to 23% under drip irrigation in the 60 cm depth irrespective of the duration. During the rainy season when no irrigation was given, the soil moisture fluctuated depending upon the intensity of rainfall. The system performance was good as indicated by high uniformity coefficient (93%) which indicates that the field is irrigated in a highly uniform manner. The yield was estimated as 27500 kg/ha and water use efficiency was found to be 566 kg.ha/cm The study revealed that superiority of drip irrigated soil regime and moisture content in the soil in 60 cm depth was more or less maintained constantly during the irrigation period.

Keywords: Drip irrigation, soil moisture, uniformity coefficient, water use efficiency

How to Cite

Valliammai, A., Martha Sravani, N. Satheeshkumar, and S. Pazhanivelan. 2022. “Performance Evaluation of Drip Irrigation System in Grapes Field”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12 (11):19-24.