Removal of Nitrate Loads Pollution from Drinking Water by Using Different Aromatic Grasses: Green Technology
Bhagyashree Kesherwani *
Department of Agriculture, K. P. Higher Education Institute, affiliated to Prof. Rajendra Singh (Rajju Bhaiya) University, Prayagraj- 211012, Uttar Pradesh, India.
S. Ravichandran
Department of Chemistry, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Phagwara- 144411 (Punjab), India.
Abdul Mazeed
Division of Crop Production and Protection, CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow-226015, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The rapid increase in population needs a vast amount of food and energy to survive. This review paper reveals the potential of aromatic grasses to remove nitrate loads from different sources of contaminated water. A sustainable development approach for growing food needed pure water for irrigation and drinking purposes. These days, farmers are using chemical fertilisers to increase the quantity of food energy without knowing its harmful effect: our challenge is to be aware of them with green technology and teach them how to use it sustainably. Currently, many countries are experimenting with the green approach with the help of plants; they are trying to eliminate harmful elements from contaminated water. This method of removing pollutants by plants use is known as phytoremediation. So, many countries are using it to accumulate and extract toxic substances like heavy metals and higher nutrients load from water with the help of this approach. These aromatic grasses have been identified most photo-stabiliser, hyper-accumulator, and hyper-extractor of the toxic substance and nutrient loads at contaminated sites without harming or negatively impacting these toxics to other parts of the plant. Aromatic grasses cost-effectively have higher economic value. Many studies observe that toxicity enhances the essential oil quality of these grasses and increases the value and quantity of oil. Thus, grasses are very suitable for removing nitrate from different contaminated water sites and may be they are option for ideal sustainable development approaches.
Keywords: Aromatic grasses, contaminated, environment, phyto-remediation, sustainable, wastewater