Study on Crop-weather Calendar of Wheat for Eastern Plain Zone of Uttar Pradesh

Anushka Pandey *

Department of Agricultural Meteorology, A.N.D.U.A.T. Kumarganj, Ayodhya, UP. 224229, India.

A. K. Singh

Department of Agricultural Meteorology, A.N.D.U.A.T. Kumarganj, Ayodhya, UP. 224229, India.

A. N. Mishra

Department of Agricultural Meteorology, A.N.D.U.A.T. Kumarganj, Ayodhya, UP. 224229, India.

S. R. Mishra

Department of Agricultural Meteorology, A.N.D.U.A.T. Kumarganj, Ayodhya, UP. 224229, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


An investigation entitled “Study on Crop-weather calendar of wheat crop for eastern plain zone of Uttar Pradesh” was carried out at the Department of Agricultural Meteorology, ANDUA&T, Kumarganj, Ayodhya. Crop weather calendar for wheat crop has been prepared for district Sultanpur through the collection of historical weather data of last 20 years (2000- 2020). Crop weather calendar of wheat was formulated by combining the weekly climatic averages and phenological calendar for the crop along with optimum weather criteria needed at different phenological stages of the crop. Climatic normal for wheat crop has been taken form 46th Standard meteorological week to 14th Standard meteorological week (from sowing to harvesting).  From the crop weather calendar of wheat crop it was observed that for during seed emergence, T max 25-270C, T min 11.5-130C, RHm 92.5-92.8% and RHe 42-49%, at CRI, T max 24-260C and T min7.5-110C, and during milking stage of the crop, T max 30-330C, T min 12.3-140C, RHm 88-91%, RHe 43% were found conducive for better yield at district Sultanpur. Conducive weather conditions for infestation of army worm were T max 20-290C and T min 14-80C, RHm 90-94% and RHe 49-65% and rainfall of 1.5- 11 mm from met. no. week 46th to 4th met. week and for leaf blight T max 20-28.50C, T min 12-170C, RHm 88-91% and RHe 42-52% from 1st to 10th met. week at booting and milking stage of the crop.

Keywords: Crop-weather calendar, wheat, climatic normal

How to Cite

Pandey, Anushka, A. K. Singh, A. N. Mishra, and S. R. Mishra. 2022. “Study on Crop-Weather Calendar of Wheat for Eastern Plain Zone of Uttar Pradesh”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12 (11):224-30.