Implementation of Road Safety Audit to Highlight the Deformities in the Design and Environmental Safety Features: A Case Study on National Highway-326

Swabhimaan Sahu

Department of Civil Engineering, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Bhubaneswar 761211, Odisha, India.

Siba Prasad Mishra

Department of Civil Engineering, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Bhubaneswar 761211, Odisha, India.

Kamal Kumar Barik

Department of Civil Engineering, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Bhubaneswar 761211, Odisha, India.

Deepak Kumar Sahu

Department of Civil Engineering, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Bhubaneswar 761211, Odisha, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Road Safety Audit is an advanced strategy for detecting the highly affected areas which are more prone to accidents and security Increase of existing and new streets. RSA is a well-organized, economical and making a move to improve road security. It is demonstrated that RSA has the capacities to rescue lives as it provides and formulates all possible safety measures and techniques which are extremely essential to have a secured journey. The RSA was first implemented in Britain and later followed by other nations like Australia, Denmark, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada and United Kingdom & United States of America. It is at different phases of execution in flourishing countries like India, South Africa, and Thailand. RSA plays a significant role for enhancing road security in India, as fundamental and exact information on accidents still can't seem to be gathered. The fundamental part of this study is to assess Road Safety Audit of a segment of two-path National Highway (NH) - 326 and the job of an auditor is to give autonomous suggestions in the form of written recommendation. The fundamental goal of the investigation is to recognize highly affected zones which are more prone to accidents and dark spot regions on the road from FIR, to think about the impact of geometric design of roads and influence of traffic characteristics on various parameters of roads and experimentation and establishment of statistical relationship between accidents rates and different variables causing accidents. This paper investigates the deformities in the design and other safety features.

Keywords: Road safety audit, NHAI, improve design standards, environmental safety

How to Cite

Sahu, Swabhimaan, Siba Prasad Mishra, Kamal Kumar Barik, and Deepak Kumar Sahu. 2022. “Implementation of Road Safety Audit to Highlight the Deformities in the Design and Environmental Safety Features: A Case Study on National Highway-326”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12 (11):1123-40.