A Study on Knowledge Level of Rice Growers on Green Technologies in Rice Based Ecosystem for Sustainable Agriculture in Madurai and Trichy District of Tamil Nadu
M. Deepika *
Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Agriculture College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, India.
J. Pushpa
Department of Extension Education and Communication Management, Community Science College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, India.
R. Velusamy
Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Agriculture College and Research Institute, Madurai, India.
J. S. Amarnath
Department of Agricultural Economics, Agriculture College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, India.
M. Radha
Department of Agricultural Economics, Agriculture College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The present study was conducted in Trichy and Madurai district of Tamil Nadu. From each district two blocks were selected. Thus, the total sample size of 240 were selected for the present investigation. that higher percentage of the Trichy farmers had high level of knowledge towards green technologies (43.33%) followed by low (36.67%) and medium (20.00%) level of knowledge towards green technologies. Meanwhile, half of the Madurai farmers had high level of knowledge (50.00%) followed by low (36.67%) and medium (13.33%) level of knowledge towards green technologies.The R2 value indicated that all the variables contributed 59.60% and 66.90% variation in the knowledge level among the respondents of Trichy and Madurai district respectively.
Keywords: Green technology, knowledge level, agricultural practices