Causes and Impacts of Drought and Flood Events in Haryana, India: A Regional Perspective

Manisha Yadav *

Government College Narnaul, Haryana and Department of Higher Education, Panchkula, Haryana, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Droughts and floods are inherent in our country and worldwide, though they often occur in successive years, causing severe losses to agriculture, livestock, and human life. They are the most complex disasters affecting more people than any other disaster. A recent IPCC (2022) report indicates an increase in the frequency and severity of droughts and floods over India during the twenty-first century. Therefore, flood and drought assessments are necessary to understand future planning and enhance decision-making. Haryana majorly depends on groundwater and rainfall for its agriculture and domestic water needs. This paper emphasizes assessing different aspects of drought and floods, including their causes and impacts. The paper also presents a set of recommendable measures to avoid potential loss and cope with the drought and flood impacts in Haryana. The study is based on secondary data; data has been taken from the statistical abstract of Haryana and the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). Historical data on rainfall, droughts, and floods have been analyzed and assessed for interpretation.   This study directs that the primary reasons for the flooding and drought in Haryana are excess and deficit rainfall during the monsoon and an increased in urbanization.

Keywords: Agriculture, drought, flood, monsoon, Haryana, impacts, rainfall, climate change

How to Cite

Yadav, Manisha. 2022. “Causes and Impacts of Drought and Flood Events in Haryana, India: A Regional Perspective”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12 (11):2194-98.