Comparative Study of Nutrient Release Pattern from Nutripellet Pack and Polycoat Paper Encapsulated Fertilizer Pack Placed in Soils
R. Muthukrishnan *
Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture, Manakkadavu, Pollachi, India.
M. R. Nandhakumar
Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture, Manakkadavu, Pollachi, India.
K. Arulmozhiselvan
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.
T. Padmavathi
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Nutripellet pack is a tubular assembly composed of fertilizer pellet, manure pellet and bioinoculants. A laboratory electrolyte release study was conducted to assess the extent of nutrient enrichment by nutrient release from encapsulated fertilizer pellet. Nutripellet pack and fertilizer pellet pack was placed in soil, within a closed container. Periodically the entire soil was removed for the estimation of soil reaction (pH), electrical conductivity (EC) and available forms of N, P and K up to 11 weeks after incubation (WAI). Before the analysis the residual encapsulated pellet was removed. The treatments comprising the sources of fertilizers (N for urea, P for DAP or SSP and K for MOP), levels of nutrient release pore (0, 25 micro pores) in fertilizer pellet and Nutripellet pack (fertilizer pellet + manure pellet) placement in sand, red soil and hill soil. High available N, P and K observed with Nutripellet pack with NP (DAP) K was registered in sand, red and hilly soils.
Keywords: Nutrient release, nutripellet pack, fertilizer pack, comparison and available macro nutrients