Estimation of Genetic Variability Direct and Indirect Effects of Yield Contributing Traits on Grain Yield in Finger Millet [Eleusine coracana (L)]
Chittemsetty Uma Gayathri *
Genetic and Plant Breeding Department, Shiats College, India.
Gaibriyal M. Lal
Genetic and Plant Breeding Department, Shiats College, India.
M. Elangovan
Genetic and Plant Breeding Department, Shiats College, India.
Shaik Anwar
Genetic and Plant Breeding Department, Shiats College, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The present investigation was carried out to assess the genetic variability parameters, correlation and path analysis in 20 finger millet genotypes for 13 quantitative traits in Kharif 2021 in Randomized Block Design replicated thrice. Analysis of variance revealed that treatment differences were highly significant under study at 1% level. Genotypes FIN 5117 and FIN 5111 depicted highest grain yield. Both high Genotypic and Phenotypic coefficient of variation were recorded for number of tillers per plant. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percent of mean was observed for number of fingers per ear, grain yield per plant, days to fifty percent flowering indicating that these traits are most probably under the control of additive gene action and hence these traits can be fixed by proper selection. Correlation coefficient analysis revealed that days to maturity, number of tillers per plant, number of fingers per ear, biological yield emerged as most important attributing associates of grain yield per plant in finger millet. Days to maturity, number of fingers per plant, number of tillers per plant had positively direct effect on grain yield per plant. Therefore, effective selection must be attempted for these traits which would help in improvement of grain yield in Finger millet genotypes.
Keywords: Finger millet, heritability, genetic advance, correlation coefficient analysis, path coefficient analysis