Correlation and Path Coefficiant Analysis for Quantitative Traits in Greengram [Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek]
Shaik Shakeer *
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, SHUATS, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Gabriyal M. Lal
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, SHUATS, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Vallala Chanukya Varma
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, SHUATS, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Shanmukha Saikumar
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, SHUATS, Uttar Pradesh, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Genetic variability, correlation coefficient and path coefficients analysis were carried outin a set of 20 genotypes of Greengram grown in an randomized block design with three replications during kharif- 2021. Analysis of variance indicated significant difference among genotypes for the characters plant height (cm), biological yield(g), seed index(g), number of clusters per plant, days to 50 percent flowering. This indicated existence of variability among the genotype.The high estimates of heritability and genetic advance were found for the characters plant height, number of primary branches per plant. The highest percentage of PCV was observed for number of primary branches per plant and number of pods per plant. The GCV was highest for number of primary branches per plant. The association analysis revealed that the seed yield per plant exhibited positive and significant correlation with number of clusters per plant, seed index, biological yield, number of primary branches, pod length, harvest index and number of pods per plant. Path coefficient analysis revealed that number of clusters per plant followed by seed index (g), biological yield, primary branches, pod length, harvest index, number of seeds per pod, number of pods per plant were effective for the selection of high yielding genotype as they exhibited high positive direct effect along with significant positive correlation with seed yield. Based on the mean performance of the SML-668, PANT MOONG-05, BPMR-145, CO-7, BM 2002-1 were found superior in seed yield. These may be used as parents in crop improvement programs to develop high yielding varieties.
Keywords: Genetic advance, genotypic coefficient of varience, phenotyic coefficient of varience, heritability, variability, correlation, quantitative traits, path, Greengram