Soil Fertility Status and Correlation of Available Macro and Micronutrients in Warangal District of Telangana State
Ch. Ramulu
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Warangal-506007, India.
J. Kamalakar
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural College, Warangal-506007, Telangana, India and Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Fertility status of red and medium black soils and their correlation studies were carried out insoils of Warangal District (R) of Telangana State. All samples in red and medium black soils were neutral to alkaline in reaction and pH values ranged from 7.25 to 8.56 by medium black soilfollowed (6.50 to 7.52) by red soil with mean values of 7.64 in medium black soilfollowed 7.53 in red soil. The EC varies from 0.08 to 1.90 dS m-1 in red soil and 0.08 to 2.17 dS m-1 in medium black soil.The calcium carbonate (CaCO3) content varies from 0.59 to 1.95% in red soil and 1.69 to 2.92% in medium black soil and maximum mean valuewas recorded in medium black soil (1.69%) followed by red soil (0.69%). Red soils were Loam to Clay loam whereas medium black soils were clay in texture. Organic carbon content ranges from 0.14 to 0.75% in red soil and from 0.50 to 0.79% in medium black soil with an average value of 0.38% in red soil and 0.53% in medium black soil. 81and 45% of soils were low, 15 and 55% in medium and none of the soil samples were found higher categoryin OC content in red soil and medium black soils, respectively. Available N, P, K and S content varied from 59 to 201kg ha-1, 14 to 133kg ha-1, 211 to 341kg ha-1 and 6.9 to 24.59 mg kg-1with mean values of 144 kg ha-1, 56 kg ha-1, 247 kg ha-1 and 19.26 mg kg-1 in red soils, respectively. In medium black soils available N, P, K and S content varied from 100 to 276 kg ha-1, 21 to 103 kg ha-1, 332 to 450 kg ha-1 and 10.50 to 41.40 mg kg-1with mean values of 177 kg ha-1, 54 kg ha-1, 398 kg ha-1and 27.40 mg kg-1, respectively. In red soils 100% samples were low in available N, 25%low, 32 % medium and 43% higher in available P2O5,1% medium and 99% higher in available K2O and 62% low and 38% medium in available S. In medium black soils 100% samples were low in available N, 22% low, 38% medium and 40% higher in available P2O5, 38% medium and 62% samples were higher in available K2O and 51% low and 49% medium in available S. The DTPA-Zn in 23% samples were deficient in medium black soil. In case of DTPA-Fe in 47 and 90% samples were found deficient in red and medium black soil, respectively. None of the samples in both soil groups were found deficient in Cu and Mn. In case of available-B in 29 and 34% samples were deficient in red and medium black soils, respectively. The data indicated that only 9.2% samples in medium black soil were deficient in case of available Mo. The nutrient index indicated that the red and medium black soils were low, medium and high in available N, P and K, respectively. Deficiency of micronutrients was in the order: Fe > B in red soils, Fe > B >Zn in medium black soils. Available N, P, K, S, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, B decreased, whereas Mo increased with increasing pH. Available N and P decreased, whereas K and S increased with increasing EC. Available N, P, K, S, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and B increased with increasing level of organic carbon.
Keywords: Red soil, medium black soil, available nutrients, nutrient index, correlation