A Test to Measure the Knowledge Level of Cardamom Growers about the Eco-Friendly Cultivation Practices from a Study Carried Out in the State of Kerala, India
Amanda Baby *
Department of Agricultural Extension Education, S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, India.
V. Sailaja
Department of Agricultural Extension Education, S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, India.
P. Bala Hussain Reddy
Department of Agricultural Extension Education, S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, India.
V. Chandrika
Department of Agronomy, S. V. Agricultural College, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Tirupathi-517502, Andhra Pradesh, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The present study contemplates to construct a knowledge test to measure the knowledge level of cardamom growers with regards to various eco-friendly cultivation practices in cardamom. Ex- post facto research design was used for the study. Kerala state was chosen as the locale of the study. . Ex-post facto research design is widely used in social as well as behavioral sciences. It has strong points that make it the most appropriate research design in a number of circumstances as well as limitations that make it weak from the point of view of its internal and external validity. The study was conducted in the year 2021. The study was carried out in two taluks namely Udumbanchola and Devikulam of Idukki district as cardamom crop is grown extensively here. The knowledge test was conducted outside the sample area. The content of the test was composed of questions called items. The test consists of 65 items and can be applied to the cardamom growers. Finally after the knowledge test 37 items were selected and included in the interview schedule. Scientific knowledge about eco-friendly cultivation practices is very much important for enhancing the organic cardamom production. Out of 65 items 37 were selected to measure the knowledge level of eco-friendly cardamom growers. Overall knowledge was measured by using a knowledge test comprising of these 37 items.
Keywords: Knowledge test, pre-testing, item analysis, discrimination index