Application of Hydrologic Engineering Centers Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) Model for Modelling Flood in Sub Basin of Meenachil River, Kerala, India

Riyola George *

CWRDM, Kozhikode, Kunnamangalam, Kerala-673571, India.

Asha Joseph

Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, KCAET, Kerala Agricultural University (KAU), Tavanur P O, Malappuram, Kerala-679573, India.

Rema K. P.

Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, KCAET, Kerala Agricultural University (KAU), Tavanur P O, Malappuram, Kerala-67957, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Meenachil river basin, located in southern part of Kerala, is frequently liable to flood. It is an area predominant with agricultural land and falls under tropical humid zone. Hence, water resources planning and management and understanding of rainfall-runoff relationship along with its land characteristics, is necessary for irrigation scheduling, flood control and design of various engineering structures. HEC-HMS(Hydrologic Engineering Centers Hydrologic Modeling System) which is a widely used rainfall-runoff model was chosen for the simulation of watershed responses and generation of flood hydrographs. This research was done to establish the peak discharge rate of the river as well as calibrate and validate the HEC-HMS model for the Meenachil subbasin and obtain long-term flow data. The performance parameters NSE (Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency) coefficient and R² (coefficient of determination) values were obtained above 0.7. The Error in Peak Flow and Volume were calculated below 20%. All these values indicated satisfactory performance of the model simulation both in the calibration (2013-2016) and validation (2017-2018) period. Curve number (61.46-79.93 mm), Initial abstraction(10.29-31.87 mm) and Lag time(208.27 min and 4456.2 min) were found to be the most sensitive parameters of the model. Simulated and observed stream flow values (viz. lowest peak flow of river was found during the year 2013 and it was predicted as 168.9 m³/s and observed as 158.5 m³/s) indicated that the model was able to predict and present credible results for the sub basin.

Keywords: HEC-HMS, hydrologic modelling, Meenachil river, flood, simulations, peak flow

How to Cite

George, Riyola, Asha Joseph, and Rema K. P. 2022. “Application of Hydrologic Engineering Centers Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) Model for Modelling Flood in Sub Basin of Meenachil River, Kerala, India”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12 (12):1251-62.