Interaction Effect of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Crop to Sulphur and Zinc Elements
Rahul Gautam
Department of N.R.M & Faculty of Agriculture, Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya University, Chitrakoot, Satna, M.P-485334, India.
U. S. Mishra
Department of N.R.M & Faculty of Agriculture, Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya University, Chitrakoot, Satna, M.P-485334, India.
Vivek Kumar Singh
Department of N.R.M & Faculty of Agriculture, Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya University, Chitrakoot, Satna, M.P-485334, India.
Veerendra Kumar Patel *
Department of N.R.M & Faculty of Agriculture, Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya University, Chitrakoot, Satna, M.P-485334, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A field experiment was convened objective to study the interaction effect of chickpea (cicer arietinum L.) crop to sulphur and zinc elements on growth and yield attributes under rainfed condition during the Rabi season 2019-20. On a study sandy loam soil having low status of available nitrogen, low status of available phosphorus and medium status of available potassium. The treatment consisted of four levels of Sulphur (0, 20, 30 and 40 kg S ha-1) and four levels of zinc (0, 10, 15 and 20 kg Zn ha-1) applied from gypsum and zinc sulphate respectively. The findings result that the combination of S40 Zn15 recorded at before harvesting stage highest plant height (59.79 cm) and maximum root length at 45 DAS 14.82 cm & general mean 14.20 cm, maximum number of nodules plant-1 at 60 DAS 14.78 & general mean 11.40, the general mean was 54.3 pods plant-1, general mean value 186.6 g of test weight (1000 seeds), maximum grain yield 1399 kg ha-1, maximum stover yield 2085 kg ha-1. Chickpea variety GNG-469 (Samrat) was grown with the recommended agronomic practices. The synergistic effect of Sulphur and Zinc was reported on plant height, number of pod plant-1, number of seed pod-1 and seed yield.
Keywords: Chickpea, growth, interaction, sulphur, zinc, yield