Production Potential of Fodder Crops in Sapota Based Hortipasture System under Shallow Degraded Soils in Transitional Tract of Peninsular India
B. G. Shivakumar *
ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Southern Regional Research Station, Dharwad-580 005, Karnataka, India.
N. S. Kulkarni
ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Southern Regional Research Station, Dharwad-580 005, Karnataka, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
An experiment was conducted during 2013-14 to 2015-16 for 3 consecutive years to study the performance of fodder crops in sapota based hortipasture systems under rainfed conditions on shallow degraded soils. The experiment comprised of 7 treatments viz., sole signal grass, signal grass intercropped with stylosanthes, sole grazing guinea, grazing intercropped with stylosanthes, sole stylosanthes, sole annual fodder sorghum and sole perennial fodder sorghum in 3 years old sapota orchard. The highest green fodder yield in the first year (19.1 t/ha) was observed in perennial fodder sorghum followed by sole signal grass in the second (23.5 t/ha) and third year (26.2 t/ha). Similar trend was observed in dry fodder yield (3.85, 5.76 and 6.58 t/ha in 1st, 2nd and 3rd year, respectively). This was followed by intercropped signal grass with stylosanthes. The lowest green and dry fodder yield was observed in sole stylosanthes in all the 3 years (4.9, 8.6 and 9.3 t/ha green fodder and 1.98, 2.65 and 3.05 t/ha dry fodder, respectively). The highest net return (Rs. 31450/ha) and B:C ratio (2.93) in first year was observed with perennial fodder sorghum while signal grass intercropped with stylosanthes recorded higher net returns (Rs. 49940/ha and Rs.56990/ha) and B:C ratio (6.37 and 7.13) in 2nd and 3rd year respectively. There was significant improvement in the organic carbon content, available N, P and K content in the soil as compared to initial status in all the treatments.
Keywords: Degraded soil, fodder crops, hortipasture system, sapota, signal grass