Effect of Water Sprinkling over Tree Canopy on Fruit Cracking, Quality and Yield of Litchi Fruits
S. K. Nirala *
College of Agriculture Engineering and Technology, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur), Bihar -848125, India.
R. Suresh
College of Agriculture Engineering and Technology, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur), Bihar -848125, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is an important subtropical evergreen fruit crop of Sapindaceae family. Fruit cracking is a serious problem in litchi happen during fruit growth and its development. Fruit cracking affect significant loss of economic yield. Fruit cracking in litchi coincides with a period characterized by high day temperature (35-40°C) and low relative humidity (60%). Effect of water sprinkling over tree canopy on fruit cracking, quality and yield of litchi crop was evaluated under four treatments, namely T1 (4 micro-sprinklers per tree), T2 (3 micro-sprinklers per tree), T3 (2 micro-sprinklers per tree), and T4 (without micro sprinkler) as control. Micro-sprinklers were tested for their hydraulic performance. Result revealed that, minimum fruit cracking, i.e. .20.03, 18.49, 13.76 and 4.55% was observed at 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 hours of water sprinkling under treatment T1. Highest yield (i.e. 65.27 q/ha) and better quality of fruits were also found in treatment T1. Contrary to this, maximum fruit cracking (30.16%), lowest yield (33.52 q/ha) and satisfactory quality of fruits were found in treatment T4 (control). Linear relationship between discharge and pressure; and exponential relationship between pressure and wetted diameter were found for performance of micro sprinklers.
Keywords: Micro-sprinkler irrigation, fruit cracking, yield and organoleptic quality of litchi fruit