Assessment of Environmental Parameters and Occupational Health Hazards of Rural Women in Post Harvest Activities of Assam

M. Kalita *

Department of Family Resource Management and Consumer Science, College of Community Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785-013,Assam, India.

R. Borah

Department of Family Resource Management and Consumer Science, College of Community Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785-013,Assam, India.

N. Bhattacharyya

Department of Family Resource Management and Consumer Science, College of Community Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785-013,Assam, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Agriculture is the oldest and most dangerous occupation as compared to other occupations. Agriculture is the major national economic contributor for under-developed nations such as India, Brazil, and South Korea. It was estimated that nearly half of the world labor force involved in agricultural activities. An attempt was undertaken to assess the environmental parameters and occupational health hazards in the view point of environmental conditions in post harvest activities. Three blocks were selected randomly from Jorhat sub-division. Two villages from each block were selected randomly and there by all together six villages and 300 farm women were selected proportionately. Both interview and experimental method was considered for collection of data. Personal and demographic characteristics of the respondents showed that 82 per cent belonged to marginal farmers having 1 acre of land. As regards to age of the respondents, 88 per cent falls in the age group of 30-40 years. The mean temperature was found to be 22°C and mean relative humidity (RH) was observed to be 49 per cent. The lighting condition revealed that the illuminance level were ranges from 21 lux to 95 lux. It was found that mean noise level was 110 db which was more than the permissible limit. Hazards faced by farm women in post harvest activities due to the environmental factors are pain or cramps, indigestion, eye strain, watering of eyes, blurred vision or vision problem, loss of hearing capacity, temporary deafness, headaches and faintness due to working under cold, humid, noisy and inadequate lighting conditions. It was apparent that 63 per cent respondents were belonged to ‘high’ incidence of environmental hazards during the performance of post harvest activities. The angles of average flexion was highest in upper arm (90.62) and extension was in thoracic and it was observed 115.30°indicating deviation of body parts.

Keywords: Occupation, health hazards, environmental parameters

How to Cite

Kalita , M., R. Borah, and N. Bhattacharyya. 2023. “Assessment of Environmental Parameters and Occupational Health Hazards of Rural Women in Post Harvest Activities of Assam”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (1):189-95.