Influence of Phosphorus, Sulphur and Zinc Levels on Growth and Yield of Blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.)]

Suman Tripathi *

Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj-211007, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Joy Dawson

Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj-211007, Uttar Pradesh, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field trial was undertaken on the crop black gram in the Zaid season of 2021–2022, at the Crop Research Farm (CRF), in the department of agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj, (U.P). The trail was carried out to research “the influence of different levels of phosphorus, sulphur, and zinc on black gram crop”. The soil of the exploratory plot had a sandy loam texture, a naturally occurring pH of 7.1, a low level of organic carbon (0.36%), and readily available amounts of N (171.48 kg/ha), P (15.2 kg/ha), and K (232.5 kg/ha). The treatment included two amounts of phosphorus (40 and 50 kg/ha), sulphur (15 and 20 kg/ha), zinc (10 and 15 kg/ha) and a control. The experiment was designed in RBD, duplicated three times, and included nine treatments. The experiment's findings indicated that applying 50 kg/ha of phosphorus and 15 kg/ha of zinc to the soil (Treatment 8) resulted in the highest plant height (28.50 cm), number of nodules per plant counted (25.77), maximum plant dry weight (4.19 g/plant), higher number of pods per plant (30.67), a greater number of seeds per pod (12.00), test weight (36.30 g), seed yield (0.85 t/ha), straw yield (1.99 t/ha), and harvest index, were found to be non-significant. The same treatment (T8) also produced the maximum gross return (73720 INR/ha), net return (47732 INR/ha), and benefit: cost ratio (1.83).

Keywords: Phosphorus, sulphur, zinc, growth, yield

How to Cite

Tripathi , Suman, and Joy Dawson. 2023. “Influence of Phosphorus, Sulphur and Zinc Levels on Growth and Yield of Blackgram [Vigna Mungo (L.)]”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (5):31-35.