Conjunctive Use of Fe, Zn and Bio-Fertilizers on Growth, Nodulation and Chlorophyll Content of Urdbean (Vigna mungo L.)

Krishan Murari Rathor

College of Agriculture, Agriculture University, Kota, (Rajasthan), India.

M. K. Sharma

Agricultural Research Station, Agriculture University, Kota, (Rajasthan), India.


Sri Karan Narendra College of Agricultural, SKNAU, Jobner, Jaipur, (Rajasthan), India.

Harphool Meena *

Agricultural Research Station, Agriculture University, Kota, (Rajasthan), India.

Vinod K. Yadav

College of Agriculture, Agriculture University, Kota, (Rajasthan), India.

Rajendra K. Yadav

Agricultural Research Station, Agriculture University, Kota, (Rajasthan), India.

Bahnu Pratap Ghasil

Sri Karan Narendra College of Agricultural, SKNAU, Jobner, Jaipur, (Rajasthan), India.

R. K. Meena

College of Agriculture, Agriculture University, Kota, (Rajasthan), India.

Shankar Lal Yadav

Agricultural Research Station, Agriculture University, Kota, (Rajasthan), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


An experiment was conducted on urdbean during kharif 2021 at Instructional Farm, College of Agriculture, Ummedganj, Kota (Rajasthan). The experiment comprised of 10 treatments viz. (Control, 75% RDF, 100% RDF, 75% RDF + Rhizobium @ 600 g ha-1 seed inoculation, 75% RDF + PSB @ 600 g ha-1 seed inoculation, 75% RDF + Rhizobium @ 600 g ha-1 + PSB @ 600 g ha-1, 75% RDF + 0.1% FeSO4 + 0.5% ZnSO4 at pre flowering and pod formation stage, 75% RDF + 0.1% FeSO4 + 0.5% ZnSO4 at pre flowering and pod formation stage + Rhizobium @ 600 g ha-1, 75% RDF + 0.1% FeSO4 + 0.5% ZnSO4 at pre flowering and pod formation stage + PSB @ 600 g ha-1, 75% RDF + 0.1% FeSO4 + 0.5% ZnSO4 at pre flowering and pod formation stage + Rhizobium 600 g ha-1+ PSB @ 600 g ha-1) was carried out in randomized block design with three replications. Significantly higher plant height at 60 DAS (25.28 cm) and at harvest (34.43 cm), nodules plant-1 (29.22) at 45 DAS, nodule fresh weight (86.31 mg plant-1) at 45 DAS, chlorophyll content (3.19 mg g-1) at 45 DAS and dry matter accumulation (2.71, 5.94 and 9.99 g plant-1) at 30, 60 DAS and at harvest were recorded with application of 75% RDF + 0.1% FeSO4 + 0.5% ZnSO4 at pre flowering and pod formation stage + Rhizobium 600 g ha-1+ PSB @ 600 g ha-1 in urdbean over rest of the treatments. Among these treatments, application of 75% RDF + 0.1% FeSO4 + 0.5% ZnSO4 at pre flowering and pod formation stage + Rhizobium 600 g ha-1+ PSB @ 600 g ha-1 produced maximum seed yield (1269.30 kg ha-1) of urdbean.

Keywords: Bio-fertilizer, chlorophyll, ferrous, nodules, urdbean and zinc

How to Cite

Rathor, Krishan Murari, M. K. Sharma, Manoj, Harphool Meena, Vinod K. Yadav, Rajendra K. Yadav, Bahnu Pratap Ghasil, R. K. Meena, and Shankar Lal Yadav. 2023. “Conjunctive Use of Fe, Zn and Bio-Fertilizers on Growth, Nodulation and Chlorophyll Content of Urdbean (Vigna Mungo L.)”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (5):392-99.