Impact of Pulsing and Holding Solutions on Vase Life of Melaleuca bracteata F. Muell Foliage

K. Raja Babu *

Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751003, India.

S. K. Palai

Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751003, India.

S. Beura

Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751003, India.

P. Tripathy

Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751003, India.

P. Samanta

OIC, AICRP on LTFE, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751003, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The experiment was conducted during the year 2019-21 at Horticulture Research Station, OUAT, Bhubaneswar laid out in factorial CRD design to check the vase life of Melaleuca bracteata foliage by using distilled water (control) and different pulsing, holding solutions and 6 modules, which contains different spacing, pit size, FYM, basal fertilizer dose, water soluble fertilizers and growth regulator (BAP). Pulsing solution containing Sucrose (2%) + Al2(SO4)3 (1000 ppm) (9.89 days) resulted long vase life of foliage followed by solution containing Sucrose (2%) + BA (50 ppm) (9.10 days) in module VI. Whereas holding solution containing Sodium Benzoate (150 ppm) (9.10 days) showed long vase life of foliage followed by Sodium Benzoate (100ppm) (9.02 days) in module VI.

Keywords: Melaleuca bracteata, pulsing solution, holding solution, sodium benzoate, sucrose

How to Cite

Babu , K. Raja, S. K. Palai, S. Beura, P. Tripathy, and P. Samanta. 2022. “Impact of Pulsing and Holding Solutions on Vase Life of Melaleuca Bracteata F. Muell Foliage”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 12 (12):1915-20.