Creation of Geospatial Database and Estimation of Irrigation Water Requirement of a Canal Command in Gayathri Irrigation Project, Kerala

Priya G. Nair *

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tavanur, Malappuram, Kerala Agricultural University, India.

Asha Joseph

Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, KCAET, Tavanur, Malappuram, Kerala Agricultural University, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The water requirement of crops in the canal command of distributaries of Gayathri Irrigation Project in Palakkad district, Kerala was estimated using GIS and CROPWAT 8 model. The geospatial data base for canal network, land use, soil and climate were prepared using Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. This data base was used as input to CROPWAT model to estimate irrigation water requirement of different distributaries of the canal command. The gross irrigation requirement was estimated for the historical climate data (2004-2018) as well as the predicted climate data for the years 2026 and 2031. The net irrigation water requirement of different crops in the distributary command was found to vary spatially depending on soil, crop and climate. The net irrigation water requirement of paddy (mundakan) in distributaries located at head to tail reaches varied from 1004.5 to 1573.6 mm. The high value of net irrigation requirement in tail reach was due to the influence of soil series with high infiltration rate compared to head reach soil. The net irrigation requirement also varied for the same crop in same soil series in different distributaries depending upon the climatic conditions. The net irrigation water requirement of paddy (mundakan) in distributaries located at head to middle reaches for the same soil series varied from 1056.5 to 1004.5 mm due to the influence of variations in rainfall. The gross estimated irrigation water requirement showed that distributaries at the middle and tail reaches required more water than the distributaries at the head end. The maximum gross irrigation water requirement of 25369.7 m3/ha was observed for Peringhotukavu distributary in tail reach and lowest of 4390.9 m3/ha for Parakkalchalla distributary in head reach. The estimation of irrigation requirement for projected climate data also showed the same trend as that of historical data.   

Keywords: GIS, CROPWAT8, irrigation, crop evapotranspiration, delivery schedule, India

How to Cite

Nair, Priya G., and Asha Joseph. 2023. “Creation of Geospatial Database and Estimation of Irrigation Water Requirement of a Canal Command in Gayathri Irrigation Project, Kerala”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (8):182-96.