Towards an Integrative Psychological Model for Climate Change Mitigation Behavior among Managers in the Tourism Industry
D. N. Kinyanjui *
Department of Environmental Studies and Resources Development, Chuka University, Kenya.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The aims of the current paper are to provide an extensive review of the theoretical and empirical evidence on which current climate change mitigation efforts are based and to advance a new model of the determinants of mitigation behavior. The study was based on the review of relevant literature. The model specifically demonstrates the interplay between human values, attitude, knowledge, emotions and social norms as determinants of broad and greater levels of mitigation behaviours. The model is complemented by adding age and sex as confounders. It indicates the possible interrelationships between these factors with their joint effects being emphasized.
The model addresses a concern that most business-level climate change policies ought to be integrative, but are unfortunately, not. Detailed knowledge of psychological determinants is useful for policy makers to provide favorable conditions in support of business level climate change mitigation measures and how it can be used to measure and compare the impacts of the determinants so as to generate more applicable mitigation measures in optimizing climate change policies now and in the future.
Keywords: Integrative psychological model, climate change mitigation behavior, tourism industry