Genetic Divergence Studies in Ailanthus excelsa Using D2 Analysis

S. Umesh Kanna *

Department of Forest Biology and Tree Improvement, Forest College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Mettupalayam, India.

N. Krishnakumar

Department of Agroforestry, Forest College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Mettupalayam, India.

K. Md. Mohideen Abdul Kather Jailani

Department of Forest, Government of Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: To estimate the genetic diversity studies among the biometric attributes of 30 progenies in Ailanthus excelsa Roxb.

Place and Duration of Study: The study has conducted at Forest College and Research Institute, TNAU, Mettupalayam during 2015-2018.

Methodology: The D2 statistics was adopted for the estimation of genetic divergence. Using D2 statistical results, the clustering of progenies was done. The progenies were grouped into different clusters using ‘GENERES’ statistical package on the basis of D2 values according to Tocher’s method as suggested by Rao.

Results: The 30 progeny of Ailanthus excelsa has grouped into nine clusters and among the nine clusters, the cluster IV has ten progenies. The maximum intra cluster distance was exhibited by the cluster VIII followed by cluster IV. The maximum inter cluster distance was in cluster III which indicated the presence of wider genetic distance between Ailanthus excelsa progenies. Among the growth attributes, volume index contributed maximum percentage towards genetic divergence.

Conclusion: The results of 30 progeny of Ailanthus excels showed the presence of wider genetic distance between Ailanthus excelsa progenies.

Keywords: Ailanthus excels, biometric attributes, genetic resources, diversity, genetic distance, D2 clustering.

How to Cite

Kanna, S. Umesh, N. Krishnakumar, and K. Md. Mohideen Abdul Kather Jailani. 2019. “Genetic Divergence Studies in Ailanthus Excelsa Using D2 Analysis”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 9 (7):416-24.