Mango Area Mapping Using Very High-Resolution Satellite Data in Major Blocks of Krishnagiri District, Tamil Nadu, India

M. Harish

Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.

Ragunath Kaliaperumal *

Centre for Water and Geospatial Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.

S. Pazhanivelan

Centre for Water and Geospatial Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.

C. Sivakumar

Department of Agronomy, Regional Research Station, Paiyur, India.

R. Kumaraperumal

Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A research study was carried out for mapping mango plantation from LISS IV data in the major blocks of Krishnagiri district, Tamil Nadu where there is substantial production of Mango. A very high-resolution satellite data namely LISS IV was acquired and processed with GIS tools. Ground truth data gathered during the survey were utilized to identify significant dB values for mango plantations, which were then used to classify the mango pixels in the study region using supervised classification technique. The Mango area in major blocks of Krishnagiri district was found to be 9077.9 ha during the year 2023. Accuracy assessment and cross validation was done using confusion matrix with the ground truth points collected. The classification resulted with an overall accuracy of 91.2 per cent with a kappa score of 0.62.

Keywords: LISS IV, mango, area mapping, supervised classification

How to Cite

Harish , M., Ragunath Kaliaperumal, S. Pazhanivelan, C. Sivakumar, and R. Kumaraperumal. 2023. “Mango Area Mapping Using Very High-Resolution Satellite Data in Major Blocks of Krishnagiri District, Tamil Nadu, India”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (9):811-18.