Influence of Socio-Economic Conditions on the Effect of Covid-19 in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh
Md. Masum Abdullah *
Department of Agricultural Extension and Information System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Tanushree Mondal
Department of Agricultural Extension and Information System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Nipa Monalesa
Department of Agricultural Extension and Information System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Debashish Das
Soil Science Resource Development Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Md. Nazmul Hussain
Department of Agricultural Extension and Information System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aims: The enduring COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a new era in the efficacy of the agricultural sectors. Farmers in Bangladesh are directly affected by COVID-19. Considering the farmers’ condition regarding the pandemic, the study was designed to investigate the influence of socio-economic conditions on the effect of covid-19 in some selected areas of Bangladesh.
Study Design: Descriptive research design.
Place and Duration of Study: Data were collected from the 107 respondents selected from the intervention area (5 villages) of Jhenaidah district, Bangladesh. The duration was between June 2021 and July 2022.
Methodology: The data obtained from the interview schedule were coded and tabulated in a data sheet. All personal traits were categorized and arranged in simple tables for descriptions. Statistical tools such as frequency distribution, percent, range, mean and standard deviation were used to interpret data. Data analysis was done using the concerned software Microsoft Excel and Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 26.0. The effect was measured by different descriptive statistics and multiple regression.
Results: The majority (71.80%) of the farmers faced a medium effect of COVID-19. Among the variables age, source of drinking water, and problems faced by the farmers in crop cultivation during COVID-19 had a positive significant contribution, and sanitation practiced by the farmers had a negative contribution to the effect of COVID-19 on their socio-economic conditions. Among these, problems faced by the farmers in crop cultivation had the highest contribution (42.2%). All the factors cooperatively contribute 51.3% of the variance of the effect of COVID-19 (R2 =0.513).
Conclusion: It is concluded that the effect of COVID-19 on farmers’ socio-economic conditions was moderate and needed further advancement.
Keywords: Effect, COVID-19, farmer, agriculture, socio-economic, crop cultivation, Bangladesh