Study of Variation in Quantitative Traits of Poplar (Populus deltoides) Clones in Different Environments
Dipika Ayate *
Department of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, KSCSTE, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala, India.
Milan Jain
Department of Tree Improvement and Genetic Resources, College of Forestry, Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan (Nauni) HP, India.
Sanjeev Thakur
Department of Tree Improvement and Genetic Resources, College of Forestry, Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan (Nauni) HP, India.
Jaipal Sharma
Department of Tree Improvement and Genetic Resources, College of Forestry, Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan (Nauni) HP, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The present study entitled “Study of variation in quantitative traits of poplar (Populus deltoides) clones in different environments” was undertaken in the Department of Tree Improvement and Genetic Resources, Dr. Y. S. P. U. H. F., Nauni- Solan 173230 (H.P.). The three experimental sites namely 1) Dhaula Kuan, RH&TS, Dist. Sirmaur (H. P.), 2) Laddhowal farm, PAU, Ludhiana (Punjab) and 3) Naganji nursery, Nauni, Solan. Variations in quantitative traits significantly recorded at three locations among all clones, traits such as leaf blade length, width of leaf, midrib length, distance between petiole junction to base of leaf, plant height, basal diameter and stem volume recorded higher values at Ludhiana location follows by Dhaula Kuan location. The effect of different locations significantly observed on clones of poplar (Populus deltoides) and the quantitative traits also makes the difference within same clone at different locations.
Keywords: Poplar, plant height, stem volume, basal diameter, clones