Performance of Rice Varieties under Different Systems of Cultivation for Southern Telangana Zone

A. Swathi *

Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India.

P. Sri Ranjitha

Department of Agronomy, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India.

Y. Samta Parameswari

College Farm, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India.

T. Srijaya

STCR, ARI, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India.

M. Yakadri

Department of Agronomy, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field study was conducted during kharif, 2021 at College Farm, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, PJTSAU to evaluate the performance of rice varieties under different systems of cultivation for Southern Telangana Zone. The treatments consisted of three systems of cultivation i.e., transplanted rice with spacing of 15 cm x 10 cm, wet direct seeded rice (Drum seeding) with a spacing of 30 cm x 6-8 cm and dry direct seeded rice at 30 cm x 5 cm row spacing in main plots and four varieties i.e., RNR 11718, JGL 11118, JGL 24423 and RNR 15048 in sub plots. Experimental data revealed that wet DSR recorded superior growth parameters, yield and yield attributing characters i.e., plant height, number of tillers, number of effective tillers m-2, grain yield and straw yield compared to other systems of cultivation. Significantly higher grain and straw yield was recorded with wet DSR system which was on par with transplanted rice and significantly superior to dry DSR. Among varieties JGL 24423 registered higher grain yield and straw yield.

Keywords: Dry DSR, wet DSR, no. of tillers, grain yield, straw yield

How to Cite

Swathi , A., P. Sri Ranjitha, Y. Samta Parameswari, T. Srijaya, and M. Yakadri. 2023. “Performance of Rice Varieties under Different Systems of Cultivation for Southern Telangana Zone”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (9):1912-20.