An Experimental Study of Fish Movement with Turbulent Kinetic Energy along the Pools of A Vertical Slot Fish Pass

M. N. Sirajee *

Department of Civil Engineering, European University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Bangladesh is a land of river which is situated in the delta of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Rivers which are three of the largest rivers of the world. These rivers provide an arterial transportation network for fish movement. Fish migration depends on flow characteristic and surrounding flood plain connected to rivers. In recent time for flood control in monsoon and water storage in lean period a lot of structure has been built along and across the river [77]. As a result the natural sequence of flooding in floodplain of Bangladesh, food chain and life cycle of natural fish and other aquatic species has become under sever threat [64]. In this research an experimental approach has been carried out to understand the turbulence structures of the flow inside a laboratory flume with different local fish species. The structural set up consists of an adverse slope of 6% followed by a mild slope of 3.4%. The adverse slope is 2.54 m in length and the mild slope is 4.45 m in length. Total nine sets of experiments have been conducted. For each set of experiments, data points were distributed on a 10 cm (in the longitudinal direction) x 10 cm (in the transverse direction) grid at 0.6 hydraulic depth and 10 cm (in the longitudinal direction) x 20 cm (in the transverse direction) grid at 0.4 and 0.8 hydraulic depth. In this experimental setup turbulent kinetic energy and fish movement in all four pools will be observed. This experimental study consists of three types of fish species; Rui (Labeo rohita), Catla (Giberlion catla) and Mrigel (Cirrhinus mrigala) of fry size (1-2 cm body length), fingerline size (7-10 cm) and juvenile size (10-20 cm) have been selected for studying. The flow from slot travels through the center of the pool to the next slot with two recirculation region on either side of the jet. At the pool opening the flow appear almost in the form of a shooting jet. There are similarities with turbulence characteristics in each case. Fishes have avoided high turbulent kinetic energy area in the contour map. The comparison shoes the area with low turbulent kinetic energy was most suitable for fishes to pass the pools or taking rest inside the pools. The results may be useful insight on the turbulence characteristics of flow in the vertical slot fish pass and can be used to study fishes characteristic and also for guidance in the design of fish pass in the future.

Keywords: Fish pass, turbulence, hydraulic structures, fish habitats, water flow

How to Cite

Sirajee , M. N. 2023. “An Experimental Study of Fish Movement With Turbulent Kinetic Energy Along the Pools of A Vertical Slot Fish Pass”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (9):2202-15.