Effect of Combined Application of Herbicides on the Growth, Yield Attributes, Yield and Profitability of Kharif Groundnut [Arachis hypogaea (L.)]

Priyanka *

Department of Agronomy, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur-313001, Rajasthan, India.

M. L. Mehriya

Department of Agronomy, Agricultural Research Station, Mandor, Agriculture University, Jodhpur - 342304, Rajasthan, India.


Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agricultural Research Station, Agriculture University, Mandor, Jodhpur - 342304, Rajasthan, India.


Department of Agronomy, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur-313001, Rajasthan, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a significant oilseed crop extensively cultivated throughout India. Despite the availability of high-yielding varieties and modern agricultural practices, the productivity of groundnut remains relatively low. Weed infestation is identified as one of the primary factors contributing to reduced productivity among various unstable factors. During the early stages of growth, groundnut exhibits slow initial growth, making it a poor competitor against weeds. To enhance growth and yield, effective weed management strategies are crucial. To address this, a field experiment was conducted during the kharif season of 2019 at Agricultural Research Station, Mandor, Agriculture University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. The experiment consisted of thirteen treatments involving pre- and post-emergence herbicides, including weedy check and weed-free check, with three replications in a randomized block design. Results revealed that weed-free treatment recorded significantly lower weed density, weed dry matter and higher weed control efficacy, ultimately leading to improved growth, yield attributes, and overall yield of groundnut as compared to weedy check. Among weed control measures, Pendimethalin + imazethapyr @ 1.0 kg /ha (PE) + one manual weeding at 30 DAS (Days After Sowing) recorded significantly lower weed density, weeds dry matter and increased weed control efficiency, growth parameters (plant height and dry matter accumulation), yield attributes (number of pods /plant, pod yield /plant, number of kernels /pod and seed index) and yield (pod yield, kernel yield, haulm yield, biological yield, harvest index, and shelling out-turn), followed by pendimethalin @ 1.0 kg /ha (PE) + imazethapyr @ 75 g /ha at 20 DAS. Economically, these treatments recorded significantly higher gross returns, net returns and B: C ratio, proving to be more profitable than other herbicide applications used in the groundnut crop.

Keywords: Groundnut, weeds, herbicide, manual weeding, yield, economics

How to Cite

Priyanka, M. L. Mehriya, Ramesh, and Mamata. 2023. “Effect of Combined Application of Herbicides on the Growth, Yield Attributes, Yield and Profitability of Kharif Groundnut [Arachis Hypogaea (L.)]”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (9):2413-24. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2023/v13i92474.