Future Impact of Climate Change on the Yield of Cocoa in Ondo State, Nigeria

Femi S. Omotayo *

Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.

Philip G. Oguntunde

Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.

Ayorinde A. Olufayo

Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This study was carried to determine the trend of cocoa yield and climatic variables and assessment of the impact of climate change on the future yield of cocoa in Ondo State, Nigeria. Annual trend statistics for cocoa yield and climatic variables were analyzed for the state using Mann-Kendall test for trend and Sen’s slope estimates. Downscaled data from six Global Circulation Models (GCMs) were used to examine the impact of climate change on the future yield of cocoa in the study area. The results of trends analysis in Ondo State showed that yield decreased monotonically at the rate of 492.18 tonnes/yr (P<0.05). An increased significant trend was established in annual rainfall trend. While Maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and mean temperature all increased at the rate of 0.02/yr (P<0.001). The ensemble of all the GCMs projected a mid-term future decrease of about 9,334 tonnes/yr by 2050 and a long-term future decrease of 13,504 tonnes/yr of cocoa by 2100. The economic implication of these is that, if the projected change in the yield of cocoa as predicted by the ensemble of all the GCMs should hold for the future, it means that Ondo state may experience a loss of about $22,470,018.22 and $32,308,584.32 by the year 2050 and 2100 respectively according to the present price of the commodity in the world market. Measures are to be taken by the government and farmers to find a way of mitigating the impacts of climate change on the future yield of the cocoa study area. This research should be extended to other cocoa producing areas in Nigeria.

Keywords: Climate change, cocoa yield, climate variable, Mann-Kendall trend, future yield.

How to Cite

S. Omotayo, Femi, Philip G. Oguntunde, and Ayorinde A. Olufayo. 2019. “Future Impact of Climate Change on the Yield of Cocoa in Ondo State, Nigeria”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 9 (8):467-76. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2019/v9i830132.