Evaluation of Ivy Gourd (Coccinia grandis L) Genotypes under Prayagraj Agro Climatic Conditions
Pankaj Kumar Sutar *
Department of Horticulture (Vegetable Science), Naini Agricultural Institute, SHUATS, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Devi Singh
Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, SHUATS, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.
C. John Wesley
Centre for Geospatial Technologies, VIAET, SHUATS, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Bijay Laxmi Sahu
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Deogarh, Odisha, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The present investigation entitled “Evaluation of Ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis L) genotypes under Prayagraj agro climatic conditions” was carried out from October, 2022 to March 2023 at Horticultural Research Field, Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology And Sciences, Prayagraj, U.P. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with seven genotypes in three replications. The genotypes namely G1-Arka Neelachal Khunki, G2-Arka Neelachal Sabuja, G3-Local Geda, G4-Local Denga, G5-Surekha, G6- CHIV-7 and G7-CHIV-8 were evaluated. It was concluded that all seven genotypes showed a significant performance on almost all the growth and yield characters as well as quality of Ivy gourd. The genotype G2-Arka Neelachal Sabuja was found superior in terms of vine length (315.11 cm), petiole length (6.37 cm), internodal length (12.71cm),fruit diameter (2.87 cm), average fruit weight (21.08 g), No. of seeds per fruit (122), No. of fruits per plant (422), fruit yield per plant (8.82 kg) ,fruit yield per hectare (17.35 t/ha), TSS (4.33), Ascorbic acid (15.34 mg/100g) and minimum days taken for first female flower anthesis (35.17 days) whereas maximum fruit length was obtained from genotype G1- Arka Neelachal Khunki (6.12 cm). Among the genotypes, highest gross return (Rs/ha) (3,47,000), net return (Rs/ha) (1,90,140), benefit cost ratio (2.21) was also obtained from genotype G2 i.e Arka Neelachal Sabuja.
Keywords: Ivy gourd, genotypes, growth, yield