Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and Related Sustainable Land Management Practices in Bangladesh – A Review
M. A. Hossain
Soil Resource Development Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Khamar Sarak, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.
M. N. Amin
Department of Environmental Science, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh.
J. Sultana
Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
M. N. A. Siddique *
Soil Resource Development Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Khamar Sarak, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainable land management (SLM) is an effective climate adaptation technique in the present world. Bangladesh is listed in long-term Climate Risk Index 2019 due to its unicorn geographic features (e.g. low-lying riparian lands, big rivers, dense population and coastal settings). The livelihoods of Bangladesh are directly or indirectly linked to agricultural practices and or agribusiness. Many studies revealed that climate change-induced natural calamities (e.g. rainfall and temperature variability, sea level rise, flood, cyclone, drought, groundwater depletion, salt intrusion) unfavorably effect on agricultural production and livelihood activities and these are making critical food insecurity situation. Thus, identification and implementation of SLM practices to maintain food security of the bursting population are a prerequisite in Bangladesh. In this study, we have compiled the prospective SLM practices based on land management objective, land user requirements, crop and land suitability by reviewing peer-reviewed articles and grey literature. The potential SLM identified includes land resource conservation, erosion control, tillage technology, soil fertility management, vegetation management, efficient groundwater use, salinity-drought adaptations, land zoning and site-specific climate-smart agriculture. Among these SLM practices, the cultivation of suitable crop based on land quality and resource availability requires knowledge of decision support components involving the stakeholders for meaningful implementation of SLM. We proposed conceptual decision support components (e.g. land user, land quality, crop suitability, site-specific management, capital and governance) that would be the basis for the development and implementation of SLM towards land users and or farmers. The motivation of farmers through efficient extension activity and agri-governance for optimized land management can lead to minimizing the climate-induced vulnerability in agriculture. We concluded that the identified SLM practices, if implemented by adequate decision supports, SLM will help to achieve agricultural production as required by the sustainable Millennium Development Goals in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Land management, climate change, decision support, agriculture, food security.