Comparative Analysis of the Top Soil Properties under Forested and Deforested Zones: Implications for the Environment

O. Odekunle *

Department of Environmental Management and Control, Bowen University, P.M.B. 284, Iwo, Nigeria.

T. O. Ogunbode

Department of Environmental Management and Control, Bowen University, P.M.B. 284, Iwo, Nigeria.

P. O. Ogungbile

Department of Environmental Management and Control, Bowen University, P.M.B. 284, Iwo, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


An investigation was carried out to examine the properties of top soils between 0 and 15cm under both deforested and forested zones in Bowen University, Iwo, Nigeria. Top soil samples in the deforested zone was taken from the Main Gate area of the institution while that of the forested zone was taken from the forested area opposite staff quarters of the University. The soil samples were subjected to standard laboratory tests in the University central laboratory. The results showed that deforested soil has sandy, clay and silt contents of 72.4%, 9.2% and 18.4% respectively while forested soil has 65.2%, 10.8% and 24% in the same order. Also it was discovered that soil under deforestation has organic carbon, organic matter, pH, field capacity, moisture and electrical conductivity of 0.32%, 0.55%, 6.8, 0.72 g, 126.9 g and 230 µʃ/cm respectively while soil under forest has 0.45%, 0.77%, 7.1, 0.90 g, 0.72 g, 129.2 g and 275 µʃ/cm in the same order. The implications of this results is that removal of vegetation contributes to the release of carbon into the atmosphere which increases atmospheric heat, alkalinity of soil, loss of soil nutrients and also could pose limits to the survival of plant growth and also susceptibility of soil to surface wash. Thus, it is recommended that effort should be made to checkmate the removal of vegetation and if unavoidable, relevant policies should be put in place for edge development and its maintenance and also, reforestation steps as remedies to ensure sustainable environment.

Keywords: Top soil, forested soil, deforested soil, community development, soil properties.

How to Cite

Odekunle, O., T. O. Ogunbode, and P. O. Ogungbile. 2020. “Comparative Analysis of the Top Soil Properties under Forested and Deforested Zones: Implications for the Environment”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 10 (1):19-25.