Analysis of Historical Monthly and Annual Rainfall and Temperature Variability (1980–2020) in Baringo Couny County, Kenya
Indiatsy Christopher Masinde *
Kisii University, Kenya
Dennis Mamboleo
Kisii University, Kenya.
Daniel Nyantika
Kisii University, Kenya.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Climate variability entails the mean fluctuations in climatic elements and other observable characteristics on temporal or spatial scales. Assessing climate variability is a frequent practice in climatology based on its impact on social - economic aspects. Climate is subject to variations in many parts of world, exhibited mainly by rainfall and temperature fluctuations. The variability in Africa has resulted in the spread of desert conditions in the Sahel. Kenya experiences great variations of climate annually and considerable uncertainty when rains are expected, impacting negatively on farming activities. The study objective was to establish the historical trends of variability patterns in rainfall and temperature in Baringo County between 1980 – 2020. The study adopted a longitudinal study design as it involved a time series analysis of the trends and variability patterns of rainfall and temperature. Secondary data on rainfall and temperature was collected from Kenya Meteorological Services headquarters in Nairobi. Rainfall variability was determined and measured using the following techniques; Mean ( ), Standard deviation (SD), Precipitation concentration index (PCI), Relative variability (RV), Drought Intensity (DI) and Coefficient of variability (CV). Temperature variability was determined and measured by analyzing the County temperature distribution tables. Results indicated Baringo South to have a higher variability than Baringo North, marked with its higher CV, DI, RV and PCI. Pre-drought planning to cope up or overcome the droughts were highly recommended and measures provided. The study findings are expected to help farmers, the government and economic planners to focus on effective mitigation areas, formulate alternative policies on mitigating the effect of rainfall and temperature variability on activities of farming in Baringo County.
Keywords: Variability, climate, trends, drought intensity, coefficient of variability, precipitation concentration index, relative variability, rainfall, temperature