Efficacy of Early Foliar Spray Intervention on Alteration of Physiological Efficiencies and Seed Quality Attributes of Green Gram (Vigna radiata L.)

Sundaralingam K. *

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, TN, India.

Vaideshwari M.

Department of Seed Sci. & Tech, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, TN, India.

R. Umarani

Seed Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, TN, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The present study was focused on the evaluation of foliar spray treatment to arrest the flower drop in order to increase the seed set and seed yield in greengram. The crop of greengram var.CO 8 was raised by adopting the recommended package of practices during rabi season during 2019 and 2020 at Department of Seed Science and Technology, TNAU, Coimbatore. Foliar application of different nutrients viz., Nutrigold 0.50%, ZnSO4 0.10%, Mono ammonium phosphate 2%, as treatments were sprayed at bud initiation (30 days after sowing) and 7 days after flowering stages. Pulse wonder @ 5 kg ha‑1 was sprayed during peak flowering stage. Unsprayed plots served as control. During the investigations, data on flower production, arresting of flower drop, seed set, seed filling, seed yield and quality of greengram were recorded and studied.

In the study, significant variations were observed due to the foliar applications. Days to 50 per cent flowering, number of flowers per plant, number of pods per plant, conversion efficiency percentage, pod yield ha-1and seed yield ha-1were significantly higher with foliar spray of Nutrigold 0.50% applied at bud initiation and 7 days later which was on par with Pulse wonder @ 5 kg ha‑1 applied during peak flowering stage. The percentage of flower drop was less in Nutrigold 0.50%(39.69%) which was on par with Pulse wonder @ 5 kg ha‑1 (41.04%) when compared to control (52.02%). Seed quality parameters such as seed recovery, 100 seed weight, seed germination and vigour of seedlings were significantly higher in foliar spray of Nutrigold 0.50% when compared to other treatments.

From this study, it could be concluded that the foliar application of Nutrigold 0.50% during bud initiation and 7 days after flowering or Pulse Wonder @ 5kg/ ha during peak flowering could be effectively applied to maximize the flower production, arrest the flower drop and to improve the seed yield and quality in greengram.

Keywords: Greengram, flower drop, conversion efficiency, foliar application, nutrigold, pulse wonder

How to Cite

Sundaralingam K., Vaideshwari M., and R. Umarani. 2023. “Efficacy of Early Foliar Spray Intervention on Alteration of Physiological Efficiencies and Seed Quality Attributes of Green Gram (Vigna Radiata L.)”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (10):3495-3505. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2023/v13i103019.