Survey of Frontier Technological Approaches to Mitigate Climate Change

Dennis M. Bushnell *

National Aeronautics and Space Administration [Retired],1-757-851-7611, 228 North First Street Hampton, Va, 23664, U.S.A.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Climate change with its’ increasingly serious and wide spectrum adverse impacts is the Issue of the Age. Climate change impacts have advanced to where mitigation solutions are now required for CO2 removal from the atmosphere along with planetary albedo/ other safe geoengineering approaches in addition to ever lower cost green energy generation and energy storage/ conversion/ conservation/ efficiency. There are extensive ongoing efforts involving all of these climate mitigation approaches. This work is a survey of additional frontier technologies, concepts and alternatives not yet deployed or nascent which could greatly augment the ongoing climate mitigation efforts across the spectrum. Particularly potentially efficacious approaches wrt cost and effectiveness include Halophytes, LENR, high altitude wind, geothermal utilizing abandoned oil and gas wells, ocean fertilization, white roofs and white roads and utilization of weak force nuclear batteries to extract the some 85% of the energy still present in nuclear waste.

Keywords: Climate mitigation, energetic profitability, frontiers of energetics, halophytes, societal change, weak force batteries

How to Cite

Bushnell , Dennis M. 2023. “Survey of Frontier Technological Approaches to Mitigate Climate Change”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (10):3533-43.