New Germplasms for Resistant Sources against Turcicum Leaf Blight Disease in Maize (Zea mays L.)

A. Vijaya Bhaskar *

Department of Plant Pathology and Agricultural Research Station, PJTSAU, Karimnagar, India.

Usharani G.

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agricultural Research Station, PJTSAU, Karimnagar, India.

Sravani D.

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agricultural Research Station, PJTSAU, Karimnagar, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The present studies were aimed to evaluate 490  maize entries for resistance against turcicum leaf blight (TLB) disease in randomized block design using a check at Agricultural Research Station, Karimnagar, Telangana State, India during rabi (November,2021 to Febrauary,2022) and kharif (July,2022 to October,2022). Out of 213 lines during rabi 2021−2022,16 promising entries viz.,KML-21,KML-24,KML-33,KMH-388,KMH-275,KMH-373,KMH-478,KMH-370,KMH-257,KMH-393,KMH-340,KMH-131,KMH-41,KMH-36, SAMRAT  and KMH- 64 were identified as resistant ,157 lines were recorded as moderately resistant,38 lines were recorded as moderately susceptible and CM-202 entry was recorded 80.42 per cent disease index (PDI).Out of 277 lines during kharif 2022,3 lines viz.,KMH-804,KMH-751 and KML-86  were identified as resistant lines to turcicum leaf blight disease,132 lines were moderately resistant,one line CM-202 was noticed with high 81.42 per cent disease index and severely affected by turcicum leaf blight and rated as susceptible during kharif, 2022.

Keywords: Screening, germplasms, resistant, turcicum leaf blight disease, maize

How to Cite

Bhaskar , A. Vijaya, Usharani G., and Sravani D. 2023. “New Germplasms for Resistant Sources Against Turcicum Leaf Blight Disease in Maize (Zea Mays L.)”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (10):4051-65.