Effects of Integrated Weed Management Practices on Weed Parameters and Yield of Bt Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

Vinod Reddy

Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Raichur, India.

Shyamrao Kulkarni *

College of Agriculture, Bheemaraynagudi-585287, India.

Mohan Chavan

Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Bheemaraynagudi, India.

Ajayakumar M. Y.

Department of Agronomy, Mars, UAS, Raichur-584104, India.


Department of Soil Science and Agril Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Bheemarayanagudi- 585287, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aim: To know the effect of integrated weed management on weed parameters and yield of bt cotton.

Study Design: Randomized complete block design.

Place and Duration of Study: College of Agriculture Farm, Bheemaraynagudi between July 2021 and Feb 2022.

Methodology: The field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2021 at Experimental block, College of Agriculture, Bheemarayanagudi. The soil of the experiment field was deep black clayey in texture. The experiment comprises 11 weed management practices viz., T1: Pendimethalin 38.7% CS @ 750 g a.i./ha as PE + Hand weeding @ 20-25 DAS and Intercultivation @ 55-60 DAS, T2: Pendimethalin 38.7 % CS @ 750 g a.i./ha as PE fb Pyrithiobac Sodium 10 EC @ 75g a.i./ha + Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC @ 37.5g a.i./ha as PoE @ 25 DAS and Intercultivation @ 55-60 DAS. (Tank mix), T3 : Pendimethalin 38.7 % CS @ 750 g a.i./ha as PE fb Pyrithiobac Sodium 10 EC @ 50g a.i./ha + Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC @ 25 g a.i./ha as PoE @ 25 DAS and Intercultivation @ 55-60 DAS, T4 :Pendimethalin 38.7 % CS @ 750 g a.i./ha as PE fb Pyrithiobac Sodium 10 EC @ 75g a.i./ha + Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC @ 37.5g a.i./ha as PoE @ 25 DAS and Intercultivation @ 55-60 DAS, T5 : Pendimethalin 38.7 % CS @ 750 g a.i./ha as PE fb Pyrithiobac Sodium 10 EC @ 100g a.i./ha + Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC @ 50g a.i./ha as PoE @ 25 DAS and Intercultivation @ 55-60 DAS, T6 : Pyrithiobac Sodium 10 EC @ 50g a.i./ha + Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC @ 25g a.i./ha as PoE @ 25 DAS and Intercultivation @ 55-60 DAS, T7: Pyrithiobac Sodium 10 EC @ 75g a.i./ha + Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC @ 37.5g a.i./ha as PoE @ 25 DAS and Intercultivation @ 55-60 DAS, T8: Pyrithiobac Sodium 10 EC @ 100g a.i./ha + Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC @ 50g a.i./ha as PoE @ 25 DAS and Intercultivation @ 55-60 DAS, T9: Farmers practice (Hand weeding @ 25 DAS and 2 intercultivations @ 50 and 75 DAS), T10: Weedy check, T11: Weed free check.

Results: Among the treatments, application of pendimethalin 38.7 % CS @ 750 g a.i./ha as PE fb pyrithiobac sodium 10 EC @ 100 g a.i./ha + quizalofop ethyl 5 EC @ 50 g a.i./ha as PoE (combi-product) @ 25 DAS and intercultivation @ 55-60 DAS recorded significantly lower weed density and higher weed control efficiency (82.39 %), also recorded higher seed cotton yield (2495 kg ha-1) and stalk yield (4056 kg ha-1) over other treatments.

Conclusion: Application of Pendimethalin 38.7 % CS @ 750 g a.i./ha as PE fb Pyrithiobac Sodium 10 EC @ 100g a.i./ha + Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC @ 50g a.i./ha as PoE @ 25 DAS and Intercultivation @ 55-60 DAS was found effective in controlling the weeds with coupled with higher seed cotton yield .

Keywords: Cotton, pre-emergent, post emergent, intercultivation, weeds

How to Cite

Reddy , Vinod, Shyamrao Kulkarni, Mohan Chavan, Ajayakumar M. Y., and Rudramurthy. 2023. “Effects of Integrated Weed Management Practices on Weed Parameters and Yield of Bt Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.)”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (11):324-31. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2023/v13i113175.