Factors Influencing the Knowledge Level of Farmers about Solar Pumps in Jodhpur District of Rajasthan, India
Divya Choudhary
Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, SKRAU, Bikaner-334006, India.
Banwari lal
Department of Extension Education, Agricultural University, Jodhpur- 343304, India.
Kamlesh Choudhary *
Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, SKRAU, Bikaner-334006, India.
Reshma Yadav
Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, SKRAU, Bikaner-334006, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The research investigation was carried out in Rajasthan's Jodhpur district. In the Jodhpur district of Rajasthan, there are a total of seven tehsils. Osian and Balesar were chosen as the two tehsils with the most solar pumps installed. On the basis of who would benefit from solar pumps the most, ten villages from each chosen tehsil were selected. Twenty villages were chosen because they had the most solar pumps, and one hundred twenty-five (125) respondents were chosen from them. Age, caste, education level, size of land holding, family type, social participation, annual family income, occupation, extension contact, and mass utilization were identified as the significant variables that may have influenced the level of knowledge of farmers about solar pumps in the research that examined the social economic status of the respondents. This study revealed that although farmers' awareness of solar pumps was positively and strongly correlated with age, educational attainment, social engagement, occupation, extension contact, and media use. Family type, annual income, and size of land holding show positive and significant relationships with farmers' solar pumps knowledge levels, while caste indicates a negative and non-significant association.
Keywords: Solar pumps, adoption, independent variables, mass media, social contact, panels and land holding.