Impact of Climate Change and Vulnerability Assessment of Pastoralists Located in South Central Somalia Based on Income and Marital Status
Ahmed Adam Mohamed *
Director of Public Health Department, Ministry of Health, P.O. Box 22, Shangani, Mogadishu, Somalia.
Redemtor Awuor Ojwang
College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 30197-00100, Kenya.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Recent changes in climate over the last three decades, have increased the incidences of severe droughts and floods in Somalia. Moreover, the frequent internal conflicts increases the level of vulnerability of its citizens’ to climate change impacts. The UNDP puts at 5 million, the number of Somali people affected by drought incidences. Notably, factors such as income and marital status influence the vulnerability status of individuals in the region. This study assessed the vulnerability and impact of climate change of South Central Somali pastoralists based on income and marital status. The research was conducted through structured interviews and questionnaires and the sample size for the study was 400. The divorcees, were found to be the most vulnerable, compared to the married, singles and widows. On the other hand, the higher income earners were found to be less vulnerable to climate change impacts compared to the lower income earners. The findings demonstrate that marital status and income, play a key role in influencing the level of vulnerability of the individuals in the study area. The information can be used to formulate policies that will provide appropriate interventions to the most affected groups.
Keywords: Vulnerability, impact of climate change, marital status, income, pastoralists