Studies on the Available Nutrient-Supplying Capacity of Soil in Degradation Vulnerable Soils of Central Dry Zone in Tumkur District, Karnataka, India
Shafnas, I.
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, UAS GKVK, Bengaluru, India.
Anil Kumar, K. S.
NBSSLUP, Hebbal, Bengaluru-560024, India.
Prakasha, H. C.
PGS, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Land degradation resulting from various natural and anthropogenic activities including the loss of organic matter, decline in soil fertility, erosion, acidity, alkalinity and the effect of toxic chemical is a serious global environmental problem, which may be triggered by climatic factors and their aberrations. The detailed reconnaissance soil survey was carried out in Tumkur district of Karnataka to study plant available nutrients in degradation vulnerable soils of central dry zone in Tumkur district, Karnataka during 2021-2022 using remote sensing, GIS and field studies. Satellite imageries (Sentinal -2) of three seasons were used along with soil map to delineate the degradation soils through visual interpretation. Using this map resource characterization was carried out. Out of thirteen soil pedons studied from Tumkur district, nine pedons were studied from central dry zone of Tumkur covering six taluks. These pedons belongs to Alfisols, Inceptisols and Entisols soil order. Soils were very strongly acidic (4.54) to very strongly alkaline (9.33) with non- saline nature in all pedons. The organic carbon content was low high, with higher content in Hosahalli of Madhugiri and decreased with increased depth in pedons. Available nitrogen was low to high and available phosphorus and potassium were low to medium in range. Secondary and micronutrients is soil was low to high, except zinc and boron, showing deficiency in most of the pedon. Soil fertility status assessment of different major soils of central dry zone of Tumkur help in developing sustainable management plan for improving the productivity and also growing the suitable crop, by preventing the degradation.
Keywords: Degradation, Tumkur, plant available nutrients, central dry zone