Effect of Organic Manures and Biofertilizers on Herb Yield and Economics of Kalmegh (Andrographis panniculata Wall. Ex. Nees. ) var. CIM Megha

D. Amala *

Department of PSMA, College of Horticulture, SKLTSHU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030, Telangana, India.

M. Raj Kumar

Fruit Research Station, SKLTSHU, Sangareddy, India.

A. Kiran Kumar

SKLTSHU, Mulugu, India.

B. Naveen Kumar

Horticultural Polytechnic, Ramagirikhilla, Peddapalli, India.

P. Gouthami

College of Horticulture, Mojerla, SKLTSHU, India.

G. Sathish

Administrative Office, PGIHS SKLTSHU, Mulugu, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aim: To study the effect of organic manures and biofertilizers on growth, herb yield and economics of kalmegh.

Study Design: The experiment was carried out with 13 treatments in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications.

Place and Duration of Study: The research trial was carried out at P.G students research block, College of Horticulture, Rajendranagar, SKLTSHU, Hyderabad during Kharif, 2021.

Results: Among the organic and biofertilizer treatments combinations the results reported that the (T6): 75 % N through VC + 12.5 % N through NC + 12.5 % N through PM + AMC recorded the highest herb yield and Benefit cost ratio compared to other treatments.

Conclusion: Organic produce fetches higher price in market compared to inorganic produce, which helped in increasing the gross returns, net returns and highest B:C ratio.

Keywords: Organic manures, biofertilizers, herb yield and economics

How to Cite

Amala , D., M. Raj Kumar, A. Kiran Kumar, B. Naveen Kumar, P. Gouthami, and G. Sathish. 2023. “Effect of Organic Manures and Biofertilizers on Herb Yield and Economics of Kalmegh (Andrographis Panniculata Wall. Ex. Nees. ) Var. CIM Megha”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (11):1894-1900. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijecc/2023/v13i113347.