Assessment of Yield Criteria in Bread Wheat through Correlation and Path Analysis

Rashmi Bhardwaj

MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Shoolini University, Solan, H.P.-173229, India.

Sanchit Thakur *

MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Shoolini University, Solan, H.P.-173229, India.

Muntazir Mushtaq

MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Shoolini University, Solan, H.P.-173229, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Path coefficient analysis was used by plant breeders to help identify traits that could be useful as a selection criterion for improving crop yield. The path coefficient divides correlation coefficients into direct and indirect effects within the correlation system of traits. When there is a genetic correlation between two traits, the selection for one of them will produce a change in the other trait. In other words, the response of the correlation to the act of selection will take place. The present investigation was conducted during rabi season of 2022-23 at Chamelti Agriculture Farm, MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Shoolini University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh. The experiment consisted of 75 genotypes of wheat with three check varieties viz., RAJ 3765, PBW 343 and HP 1633. The experimental field was divided into three blocks of equal size. Twenty-four entries including checks were accommodated in each block. Results indicated that grain yield per plant(g) have a positive and highly significant correlation with biological yield per plant (g), number of productive tillers per plant, harvest index (%), number of grains per spike. Path analysis identified biological yield per plant and number of productive tillers per plant as important direct components for grain yield per plant (g). As per the analysis of variance, variations due to blocks and checks were found to be significant for all the traits. Ten clusters were formed according to Non- hierarchical Euclidean cluster analysis and the maximum inter cluster was recorded between cluster 6 and 8 (86.478), followed by cluster 4 and 8 (83.180). Early maturing genotypes were contained in cluster 1 whereas cluster 4 contained the genotypes which gave the maximus grain yield per plant. High yielding genotypes identified were: DBW- 187, DBW-303, DBW-222, HD-3226 and HS-240. The identified superior can be further utilized in wheat improvement breeding programs.

Keywords: Bread wheat, path analysis, correlation coefficient, yield

How to Cite

Bhardwaj , Rashmi, Sanchit Thakur, and Muntazir Mushtaq. 2023. “Assessment of Yield Criteria in Bread Wheat through Correlation and Path Analysis”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (11):2329-36.