Evaluation of Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Genotypes for Growth, Phenological and Yield under North-Eastern Dry Zone of Karnataka, India
Priyadharshini D.
Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, University of Agriculture Sciences, Raichur-584101, Karnataka, India.
A. R. Kurubar *
Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, University of Agriculture Sciences, Raichur-584101, Karnataka, India.
Ashok Hugar
Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, University of Agriculture Sciences, Raichur-584101, Karnataka, India.
Kapil Patil
Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, University of Agriculture Sciences, Raichur-584101, Karnataka, India.
B. V. Tembhurne
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding Raichur, University of Agricultural Sciences Raichur, Karnataka, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Eight grape genotypes were evaluated during 2021-2022 at New orchard, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Block Design with three replication. The grape cultivars of five year old vines planted at spacing of 3.0m× 1.5m and trained on Y system of training. The forward pruning was done on 21st October, 2021. There were eight table grape genotypes under the evaluation study, i.e., Thompson Seedless, Manik Chaman, Sharad Seedless, 2A Clone, K.R. White, Manjari Naveen, Fantasy Seedless and Medica. Among genotypes, Medica recorded the maximum pruning weight (1.39 Kg vine-1), number of fruitful canes vine-1(36.00). Thompson Seedless observed maximum shoot length (126.49 cm). Manik Chaman recorded maximum cane diameter (10.31 mm). The genotype Thompson Seedless has recorded earliness in bud sprouting (7.10 days), minimum number of days to anthesis (29.12 days) and fruitset (35.25 days). The early ripening genotypes was Sharad Seedless (98.70 days). The maximum bunch weight was recorded in the genotype 2A Clone (598.87 g). The genotype Medica recorded the maximum number of bunches vine-1(112.00) with highest bunch yield (41.32 kg vine-1)
Keywords: Vitis vinifera L, genotypes, growth, phenology, yield