Performance of Pre Released Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes under Different Sowing Windows in Rabi Season

D. Anil *

Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Rice Agronomy Scheme, Agricultural Research Station, Kunaram – 505 174, Peddapalli District, Telangana State, India.

Sreedhar Siddi

Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Rice Breeding Scheme, Agricultural Research Station, Kunaram – 505 174, Peddapalli District, Telangana State, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different sowing dates on growth and yield potential of pre released rice genotypes under irrigated conditions of Northern Telangana zone. The field experiments were carried out during two consecutive rabi seasons of 2018-19 and 2019-20, on clay soils of agricultural research station, Kunaram, Telangana state, India. The experiment was laid out in strip plot design with three replications. The treatments comprised of three sowing dates i.e. 20th November, 5th December and 20th December in horizontal factor and four genotypes i.e. KNM 733, RNR 15048, KNM 1638 and KNM 118 in vertical factor. Pooled data analysis results revealed that the different sowing dates and genotypes significant effect on all the studied growth and yield characters. The rice crop sown on 20th December recorded significantly  higher grain yield ( 8138 kg ha-1) and Among the genotypes, the short slender, short duration genotype KNM 733 recorded the recorded the maximum grain yield ( 8024 kg ha-1), which was on par with the other genotypes. The treatment combinations data results concluded that the, among the genotypes the genotype KNM 118 was recorded highest grain yield (8438 kg ha-1) when sowing was taken up on 20th December and followed by  the genotype KNM 733 with sown on 20th  November. In respect of economics of treatment combinations, the highest net returns (Rs.91,165 ha-1) and B:C (2.47)  ratio were obtained when rice crop was sown during 20th December with the  genotype KNM 118 and followed by sown on 20th November with the  genotype KNM 733.

Keywords: Dates, economics, genotypes, grain yield, KNM, sown.

How to Cite

Anil, D., and Sreedhar Siddi. 2020. “Performance of Pre Released Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Genotypes under Different Sowing Windows in Rabi Season”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 10 (10):43-51.