Study on Micro-Climate and its Effect on Growth and Yield of Mustard Crop under Prayagraj Conditions

Prashant Kumar

Department of Environmental Sciences and NRM, SHUATS, Prayagraj, U.P.-211007, India.

Ashish Ranjan *

Department of Environmental Sciences and NRM, SHUATS, Prayagraj, U.P.-211007, India.

Arti Jha

Department of Environmental Sciences and NRM, SHUATS, Prayagraj, U.P.-211007, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field experiment was conducted during Rabi season of 2022-2023 on the topic entitled “Study On Micro-Climate And Its Effect On Growth And Yield Of Mustard Crop Under   Prayagraj Conditions” at field of collage of forestry in Prayagraj district of utter Pradesh. Keeping in this view experiment was conducted in Factorial RBD with three replications having two factors. The first factor comprised of three DOS (170ct. 3Nov. and 17 Nov.) whereas the second factor consisted of Four Indian mustard Cultivar viz: Jhalak, Kala Sona, Sriram, and Ratna Results showed that both dates and varieties 17 oct and Ratna were superior as compared to rest of treatment max. yield observed. However, the highest growth attributes Like plant height, number of leaves, no of branches yield, and yield attributes like No. of silique (cm) per plant, test weight, seed yield (q/ha) grain yield, dry matter, and length of siliqua was recorded under 17 Oct. growing crop Ratna variety, the Lowest yield and growth recorded under date 17 Nov. growing crop Jhalak followed by 3 Nov. growing Crop Jhalak.

Keywords: Date of sowing, micro climate, cultivar

How to Cite

Kumar , Prashant, Ashish Ranjan, and Arti Jha. 2023. “Study on Micro-Climate and Its Effect on Growth and Yield of Mustard Crop under Prayagraj Conditions”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 13 (11):3287-94.