Trends in Area, Production and Productivity in Onion in Tamil Nadu
R. Parimalarangan *
Department of Social Sciences, Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute, Trichy Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
India ranks first in area in onion and second in production next to China, but productivity is low as compared to Netherland, USA, China. Growth rates are widely employed in the field of agriculture as these have important policy implications. To study the trends of growth in area, production and productivity of onion crop compound growth rate were worked out. The study concluded that In India, Even though there was decline in area, increasing trend in production was noticed. It was due to increase in Productivity. In Tamil Nadu, the trend in area, production and productivity of Onion was found to be stable.
Keywords: Onion, area, production, productivity, CGR, percentage change.