Impact of Organic Farming on Sustainable Agriculture System and Marketing Potential: A Review

G. T. Patle

College of Agricultural Engineering Post Harvest Technology, Central Agricultural University, Gangtok, Sikkim, India.

S. N. Kharpude *

College of Agricultural Engineering Post Harvest Technology, Central Agricultural University, Gangtok, Sikkim, India.

P. P. Dabral

College of Agricultural Engineering Post Harvest Technology, Central Agricultural University, Gangtok, Sikkim, India.

Vishal Kumar

College of Agricultural Engineering Post Harvest Technology, Central Agricultural University, Gangtok, Sikkim, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Organic farming helps to improve the health of agro-ecosystem by its holistic approach using on-farm agronomic, biological and mechanical methods in exclusion of all synthetic off-farm inputs. Although the organic farming is eco-friendly, question arises about possibility to adopt the organic farming for the large scale and its impacts on maintaining the productivity of land to meet the food security challenges from the ever-increasing population of the world. But at the same time, consumer’s behaviour and consciousness toward the safe and healthy food enforced the thinking of farmers toward the organic farming which is more lucrative due to high market demand and value of organic produce. This paper mainly addresses about the present status and future scope of organic farming especially in North eastern region of India, State of Sikkim, Indian and Global scenario and to investigate the major external and internal factors that influence the whole organic system including production and marketing of organic commodity.

Keywords: Organic farming, sustainable agriculture, organic markets, organic food, consumer behaviours etc.

How to Cite

Patle, G. T., S. N. Kharpude, P. P. Dabral, and Vishal Kumar. 2020. “Impact of Organic Farming on Sustainable Agriculture System and Marketing Potential: A Review”. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 10 (11):100-120.